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Field Description Type
value Rates data series for the corresponding timeframe. SeriesRates
timeframe Reference date range. Timeframe
Field Description Type
series Rates Series data for the requested timeframe and period. array[SeriesRatesElement]
Field Description Type
*period Date representing the requested period, corresponding to the first day of the period.
day: the day itself.
week: first day of the corresponding week.
month: first day of the corresponding month.
*value Statistical data about prices expressed in Euros. Statistics
Field Description Type Examples
*min Statistical minimum. decimal 49.0
*max Statistical maximum. decimal 209.0
*average Statistical average. decimal 88.44
*percentile Statistical percentiles. array[Percentile]
*trend Ratio between last detected average and previously detected averages for the timeframe.
= 100: stable average rate.
> 100: growing average rate.
< 100: decreasing average rate.
decimal 95.8
Field Description Type Examples
*request Requested percentile expressed in the range (0, 1), e.g. 0.5 (the median). decimal 0.5
*response Resulting value of the request percentile. decimal 73.00
Field Description Type
*from Start date of timeframe. date
*to End date of timeframe. date