Field | Description | Type | Examples |
*id | Identifier of the content fragment. | string | 89703872958 |
*type | Identifies the type of the content the fragment is extracted from. | string | post review taggedpost |
*date | Date on which the content was left by the user. | date | 2020-02-24 |
*details | Additional information concerning the content fragment. | ContentFragmentDetails | |
*network | Descriptive identifier of the network the fragment is extracted from. | string | Dictionary |
*text | The extracted content fragment text. | string | Morning Breakfast was excellent. |
*link | URL to the web page containing the content the fragment is extracted from. | string | |
Field | Description | Type | Examples |
*highlights | Topic highlights of content fragment. | array[ContentFragmentTopicHighlight] | |
*language | Language of the content fragment. | string | en fr |
Field | Description | Type | Examples |
*start | Start index of the topic occurrence within the string of parent's ContentFragment.text field. |
int | 8 |
*type | Opinion polarity expressed on the topic occurrence. | string | positive negative |
*end | End index of the topic occurrence within the string of parent's ContentFragment.text field. |
int | 16 |